Need to include custom JARs or classes in Weblogic so that your BPEL process can consume them?
Add JARs to oracle.soa.ext.jar Manifest
Navigate to $ORACLE_HOME/soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1.
Place any requisite JARs in this directory. You may also place custom classes in the /classes directory.
SOA comes with a version of Ant in $MW_HOME/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1; however, when you run the build.xml file in this directory, the build will fail.
In order to correct the problem, download ant-contrib and place it in your $MW_HOME/modules/org.apache.ant_1.7.1/lib directory. Then, edit the build.xml file placing the following node just below the <project> node.
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/"/>
Ant will rebuild the manifest included in oracle.soa.ext.jar.
Add JARs to BpelClasspath
Login to the SOA domain Enterprise Manager console.
From the SOA Infrastructure menu, select SOA Administration > BPEL Properties.
At the bottom of the BPEL Service Engine Properties page, click More BPEL Configuration Properties.
Click BpelClasspath.
In the Value field, specify the class path - $ORACLE_HOME/soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1/*
For example, /u01/app/oracle/middleware/soa/modules/oracle.soa.ext_11.1/*
Click Apply.
Click Return.
In addition, ensure that the JARs are loaded by the SOA composite application.
Redeploy your application.
Lastly, restart your SOA managed server.